Venerable Bhante Pandita,
Thank you very much for your explanation. I really enjoy it to go into the
text in this way and understand it more deeply.
with respect,
op 02-04-2005 11:57 schreef Ven. Pandita op ashinpan@...:

> esaaha.m bhavanta.m gotama.m gacchaami dhamma~nca
> bhikkhusa'ngha~nca. (Vin-3.6)
> We would go to the commentary first.
> 1. esaahanti eso aha.m. (Sp - 1.171) (= The phrase "esaaha.m" means
> "That I")
> 2. bhavanta.m gotama.m gacchaamiiti bhavanta.m gotama.m
> sara.nanti gacchaami. (ibid) (= The sentence "bhavanta.m gotama.m
> gacchaami" means " (I) rely on the Venerable Gotama as refuge)