>Did you see him sitting on this high seat?
>(nanu) / tva.m / passo/addasaa / ta.m / nisiidanto / amusmi.m /
>uccasmi.m / aasanasmi.m
>Nanu (tva.m) amusmi.m uccasmi.m aasanasmi.m nisiidanto ta.m

Who is sitting on the seat? From the English it sounds like 'him',
the person being seen is the one sitting on it. Perhaps: nisiidanta.m
instead of nisiidanto ?

Also, I believe amusmi.m really is 'that' and implies a degree of
remoteness. Perhaps simply imasmi.m for 'this'?

Your way it could be a question directed to Frodo after he sat atop
Amon Hen at Tol Brandir and witnessed Sauron. The seat is now remote,
and the viewer had sat in it while seeing.

But from the English I picture two people standing before an empty
seat, and one asks the other if a certain person was previously seen
sitting in it.
