More Pali - Every few days - [C225]
Warder - Exercise 20 (page 164)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 13 of 17)

ekodakiibhuuta.m kho pana Vaase.t.thaa tena samayena
hoti andhakaaro andhakaara-timisaa.
consisting entirely of water / indeed / then /
Vasettha (and Bharadvaja) / at this / time / there is
/ darkness / darkness-darkness
At this time, Vasettha and Bharadvaja, the world
consisted entirely of water and there was darkness,
complete and utter darkness.

na candima-suriyaa pa~n~naayanti, na nakkhattaani
taaraka-ruupaani pa~n~naayanti, na rattin-divaa
pa~n~naayanti, na maas-a.d.dha-maasaa pa~n~naayanti,
na utu-sa.mvaccharaa pa~n~naayanti, na itthi-pumaa
not / moon-sun / they appear / not / constellations /
star-forms / they appear / not / nights-days / they
appear / not / months-half-months / not /
seasons-years / they appear / not / women-men / they
No sun and moon appeared, no stars and constellations,
no days and nights, no months and fortnights, no
seasons and years, no women and men;

sattaa sattaa tv’ eva sa”nkhya.m gacchanti.
beings / beings / simply / they are conceived as
beings were simply conceived as beings.

Metta, John