Sorry for the slight delay (almost a year now...) I've been busy at Wat Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai - we're building up a new International Buddhism Center at Wat Doi Suthep and it took me away from my Pali Studies.
If it is still welcome, I would like to continue the translations of the sixth book of the AN. No promises, but I would like to finish it before too long. So, here's AN VI.10.8
1) I have to check where I last left off in sending texts - there are some I haven't sent to the group, but I can't remember which, so I'm sending this the one I'm working on today
2) The only problem I can see is with the last of the six in this sutta:
"satthaa ca me bhavissati mettaavataayaa"
The commentary is helpful, and I think I got a general sense of it:
"and to me the teacher will become familiar, through the practice of loving kindness"
Please comment.
3) Anusaya is rendered as "proclivities" - any other suggestions?
"Cha, bhikkhave, aanisa'mse sampassamaanena alameva bhikkhunaa sabbasa'nkhaaresu anodhi'm karitvaa dukkhasañña'm upa.t.thaapetu'm.
/six /o monks /benefits /perceiving /indeed fit /by a monk /in all formations /limitless /having made /the perception of suffering /to procure /
Six benefits are indeed fit to be procured, o monks, by a discerning monk having made limitless the perception of suffering in regards to all formations.
Katame cha? 'Sabbasa'nkhaaresu ca me nibbidasaññaa paccupa.t.thitaa bhavissati, seyyathaapi ukkhittaasike vadhake. Sabbalokaa ca me mano vu.t.thahissati, nibbaane ca santadassaavii bhavissaami, anusayaa ca me samugghaata'm gacchissanti kiccakaarii ca bhavissaami, satthaa ca me bhavissati mettaavataayaa 'ti.
/which /six /in regards to all formations /and /to me /the perception of disenchantment /present /I will become /just like/with swords raised /executioners /From the whole world /and /my /mind /will depart /in nibbana /and /one who sees peace /I will become /proclivities /and /for me /destruction /will go to /a doer of what should be done /and /I will become /the teacher /and /to me /familiar /will become /through the practice of loving-kindness.
Which six? To me the perception of disenchantment will become present in regards to all formations, as though they were executioners with raised swords; and my mind will depart from the entire world; and I will become one who sees peace in Nibbana; and the proclivities will go to destruction for me; and I will become a doer of what should be done; and to me the teacher will become familiar, through the practice of loving kindness.
Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha aanisa'mse sampassamaanena alameva bhikkhunaa sabbasa'nkhaaresu anodhi'm karitvaa dukkhasañña'm upa.t.thaapetun"ti.
/These /yea /o monks /six benefits /perceiving /indeed fit /by a monk /in all formations /limitless /having made /the perception of suffering /to procure /
Yea, o monks, these six benefits are indeed fit to be procured by a discerning monk having made limitless the perception of suffering in regards to all formations.
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