More Pali - Every few days - [C221]

From: John Kelly
Message: 6619
Date: 2005-02-23

More Pali - Every few days - [C221]
Warder - Exercise 20 (page 164)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 9 of 17)

khattiyo pi kho Vaase.t.thaa, idh’ ekacco
paa.n-aatipaatii pa.tivirato hoti, adinn-aadaanaa
pa.tivirato hoti, pe. suddo pi. pe. sammaadi.t.thi
noble / too / indeed / Vasettha (and Bharadvaja) /
here / sometimes / living beings-slayer / / one having
abstained / is / what is not given-taker / one having
abstained / is
Vasettha and Bharadvaja, sometimes a noble too is one
who abstains from slaying living beings, abstains from
taking what is not given, … one with right view.

imesu kho Vaase.t.thaa catusu va.n.nesu eva.m
ubhaya-voki.n.nesu vattamaanesu ka.nha-sukkesu
dhammesu vi~n~nuu-garahitesu c’ eva
vi~n~nuu-ppasatthesu ca yad ettha braahma.naa evam
aaha.msu: va se.t.tho pe.
Brahmaa-daayaada ti, ta.m tesa.m vi~n~nuu
among these / indeed / Vasettha (and Bharadvaja) /
four / castes / thus / both-mixed / existing /
dark-bright / qualities / wise ones-blamed / and /
just / wise ones-praised / and / which / here /
bramins / thus / said / bramins / just / best / caste
/ etc. / Brahma-heir / (end-quote) / which / of these
/ the wise ones / not-allow
Thus since both dark and bright qualities, blamed or
praised by the wise, are here mixed among these four
castes, the wise do not accept what the brahmins say,
that is, that the brahmins are the best caste … the
heirs of Brahma.

Metta, John

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