Re: request: on the Digha, arthaviniscaya/satipatthana

From: Bhante Sujato
Message: 6510
Date: 2005-02-10

hello Kare,

thanks for that info. So it seems i was wrong, this is not a version
of 'the' Satipatthana Sutta; i had guessed as much when i checked
again what i had written about it. Anyway, the text clearly is
structured around the 'samyutta-matika', the basic list of topics in
the Samyutta Nikaya/Agama. This samyutta-matika also forms the basis
for one of the oldest strata of abhidhamma literature, the

in Dhamma

bhante Sujato

> Bhante,
> The Arthavinishcayasutra is in Sanskrit, but it is pre-Mahayana,
> originally a Sautrantika-Vaibhashika Sutra. It is almost like a
> encyclopaedia of Buddhist teachings. It is a very condensed text,
> containing mostly definitions of central Dhamma-terms, and most of
> contents is stock phrases that are very easy to recognize for
anyone who is
> a little familiar with the Pali texts. That is why this sutra is
> interest for those who study Pali - it can work like a bridge from
> into Sanskrit.
> The Sutra explains 27 topics (I'll use the terminology of the
> to the Sutra here): 1) five aggregates (skandhas), 2) five
aggregates of
> clinging to existence (upaadaanaskandhas), 3) eighteen elements
> 4) twelve bases (aayatanas), 5) twelvefold law of dependent
> (pratiityasamutpaada), 6) four noble truths (aaryasatyas), 7)
> faculties (indriyas), 8) four trances (dhyaanas), 9) four formless
> attainments (aaruupyasamaapattis), 10) four sublime states
> (brahmavihaaras), 11) four courses (to the acquirement of
> (pratipads), 12) four states (of cultivation) of meditation
> (samaadhibhaavanas), 13) four fields of mindfulness
> 14) four right efforts (samyakprahaa.nas), 15) four bases of
psychic powers
> (.rddhipaadas), 16) five faculties (indriyas), 17) five powers
(balas), 18)
> seven contituents of enlightenment (bodhyangas), 19) noble
eightfold path
> (aryaa.s.taangamaarga), 20) sixteenfold mindfulness of inbreathing
> outbreathing (aanaapaanasm.rti), 21) four factors of attaining the
> (srotaaapattyangas), 22) ten powers of the Tathagata
(tathaagatabalas), 23)
> four grounds of selv-confidence (vai"saaradyas), 24) four kinds of
> and special knowledge (pratisa.mvids), 25) eighteen special
> of the Buddha (aave.nikabuddhadharmas), 26) thirty-two marks of a
great man
> (, 27) eighty minor marks (of the Buddha)
> (anuvyañjanas).
> Chapter 13 only gives a short list of mindfulness of kaya, vedana,
citta og
> dharma. Many of the more detailed instructions from the
> Mahasatipatthanasutta are found in chapter 12, where the parts of
the body
> also are described.
> Yours,
> Kåre A. Lie

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