Venerable Bhante Pandita,
It is very kind of you to answer me.
Thank you very much for the advice. I have almost read it through and then I
shall start right off from the beginning again.
An excellent idea to look for word relations.
I am not familiar with the Jataka text, but I could take the
Mahaaraahulovada sutta and Commentary, since I studied that word by word.
It would also be helpful and stimulating if Rett and others also come in
with examples.
With respect,
op 09-02-2005 08:45 schreef Ven. Pandita op ashinpan@...:>
> 1. You try to digest the Voices first together with their corresponding
> activity/inactivity of their subjects/objects.
> 2. Then taking some Pali text that you are already familiar with,
> preferably some Jataka story, you should try to define the relations in
> each sentence you read using the Relational Grammar as your
> reference.For instance, whenever you find a noun, you try to define its
> stem and case; then, for the particular case it happens to have, try to
> look for the word it is related to.