Excuse me, but I am really raw in basic grammar. What
do you mean by term "nominative"? not to mention
"singular nominative"??

Does the term "stem form" mean the same as the term
"root word", in this case the proper noun, Buddha?

The term "vocative" would mean how your pronounce it,
right, or are there more implications in that term?

Also, does anyone know where I can get a list of all
these gramatical terms and their meanings/definitions
for my reference?

Of course, I have the current alternative of
continually interjecting with these short questions,
however, a glossary of grammatical terms would be most
useful indeed and would really help augment my own
glossary which I will be creating to get the best out
of all resources available to me.

--- Gunnar G�llmo <gunnargallmo@...> wrote:

> --- R Arber <rfarber@...> skrev:
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > Please explain why the <singular nominative>, i.e.
> > subject of a sentence,
> > change,
> It doesn't. "Buddho" is nominative; "Buddha" is not
> nominative but the stem form, and used as first
> element in a compound, e. g. "Buddha-saasana".
> The stem form is also usually identical with the
> vocative, though the vocative "Buddha" is purely
> theoretical and doesn't appear in the texts.
> Gunnar
> =====
> gunnargallmo@...

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