Dear Nina

I have noticed your message to Rett in the Pali list, and I hope you
don't mind my interfering message.

If you try to study Relational Grammar by itself, you would find your
progress very slow. I would like to advise you to follow this scheme:

1. You try to digest the Voices first together with their corresponding
activity/inactivity of their subjects/objects.
2. Then taking some Pali text that you are already familiar with,
preferably some Jataka story, you should try to define the relations in
each sentence you read using the Relational Grammar as your
reference.For instance, whenever you find a noun, you try to define its
stem and case; then, for the particular case it happens to have, try to
look for the word it is related to.

It would be very slow for the first paragraph, but you would find
yourself seeing Pali syntax in a new light afterwards.

with metta

Ven. Pandita

>I can only read Ven. Pandita's grammar very slowly. How can we make the most
>of it? I would like more examples for each item, then one does not forget.
>Best would be if several people make their own examples, but then one has to
>be firm in English/ Pali, I am not. I feel it would be useful to discuss
>this grammar point by point. What do you think?