At 14:46 06.02.2005 +0100, you wrote:

> --- rett <rett@...> skrev:
> > Swedish has true dentals
>And, in actual pronounciation, also retroflexes; at
>least in the most spread fonetical variety of the
>language (not in Finland or southern Sweden), the
>consonant combinations rt, rt and rn are actually
>pronounced as Indian .t, .d and .n. I am not certain
>whether it is the same in Norwegian, but Kåre may
>inform us.

You mean rt, rd and rn, of course?

>Greetings from Uttarakuru!

We have the same pronounciation in Norwegian, Gunnar, except for the
southern and southwestern dialects. So Pali feels almost like coming home
... ;-)

Best regards,

Kåre A. Lie