Hi Piya,

It's available from PTS. The first two (large!) volumes are
available, with the critical notes, text, etc. The translations are
due to appear in the third, final, volume, hopefully this year.
Skilling has worked on this for twenty years, and he remarks that he
has watched it grow over the years like his waistline! Thanks to
Stephen Hodge for originally putting me on to this. The
reconstructed Skt titles of the Tibetan texts are:

Sunyata (=MN 121)
Mahasunyata (=MN 122)
Dhvajagra 1
Dhvajagra 2 (= SN1, XI.1.3)
Pancatraya (=MN 102)
Mahasamaja (=DN 20)
Atanatiya (=DN 32)

Each of these has various other parallels in the Pali, Skt, etc., as
well as the main ones listed. The group constitutes perhaps the
major collection of early Agama-sutras available in Tibetan. As you
can see, it contains a rather curious mix of doctrinally heavy and
light-weight material. Evidentally the texts were used as parittas.

in Dhamma

Bhante Sujato

--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, Piya Tan <libris@...> wrote:
> Bhante,
> It would be lovely to have Peter Skilling's work on "Maha Sutras"
as I have been
> looking for this work without success so far.