Dear Members:
It has been suggested to me that I follow the following study outline, but
since I've been out of school many many years, and the following outline
appears to apply more to the study of a European type language it might not
be the most appropriate route. Therefore I am asking if in your mind "it is
or is not" a good basic approach to the study of the language of Pali.
Please see as follows:
Stage 1. First learn meaning and pronunciation of some Pali words (i.e. what
they mean in English).
Stage 2. Then learn some verbs.
Stage 3. Next learn how to conjugate those verbs; so to be able to build
simple sentences.
Stage 4. Learn the Pali Alphabet
Stage 5. Now at this stage start studying Pali Grammar.

Any and all help will be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you,