Bhante Sujato wrote:

The ref is in the Karmasiddhiprakarana. [snip] Incidentally, i am not quite
sure of the status of the bracketed (Mahasanghikas) - is this part of the
text or Anacker's interpolation?
The Mahayana-samgraha (ad 1.11), which is earlier than Vasubandhu's works,
mentions the "muula-vij~naana" of Mahasanghikas and the
"aasa.msaarika-skandha" of the Mahisasakas. For his part, Vasubandhu
replaces this Mahisasaka mention with the Tamrasatiya/Tamraparniya
"bhavaa'nga-vij~naana", as you have written. But in his
Pratitya-samutpaada-vyaakhyaa, he attributes the bhavaa'nga-vij~naana
concept to the Mahisasakas. Though they were closely related schools, it is
possible that the Theravadins and the Tamrasatiyas/Mahisasakas had slightly
different interpretations of the term which allowed Vasubandhu to identify
this concept with the aalaya-vij~naana.

The terminological switch from "aasa.msaarika-skandha" to
"bhavaa'nga-vij~naana" also raises some interesting historical problems --
could it be that the latter term gained currency some time between the
compostion of the MSa and the KSi (circa mid 4th CE ?) ?

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge

PS: Sorry for my long silence, necessitated by various health and domestic
problems. I hope to contribute in future as circumstances allow.