> Suppose I were to copy and paste the
> word "Koṇḍaññassa" into the google search box, what I get back are
> weird characters. The long vowels work fine, but when it comes to the
> dots over or under the characters, you get boxes.
If you see the correct search results, and click them to see those pages
load correctly, I wouldn't be concerned about a few characters off in
the page summaries. Unicode browsing still isn't 100% mature and it
wouldn't be too weird to find obscure bugs in browsers (or even Google!)
at this stage. Personally I can see those characters OK, but they do
appear strangely (as if Mozilla has gone out to find another font that
can render them correctly). I'd suggest first checking that your
browser is set to unicode rendering (UTF8), or failing that install
Mozilla or Firefox (
http://www.mozilla.org/) if you haven't already.
- Walter