At 16:28 17.01.2005 +0100, you wrote:

> --- "R.O.Jadhao" <jadhao@...> skrev:
> >
> >
> > Actually there is nothing demeaning in the word
> > hinayana which means "small
> > vehicle" (like a motorbike) considering it stresses
> > achieving nibbana
> > through one's own efforts as a opposed to mahayana
> > (big vehicle) which has
> > bodhisattvas to count on for liberation.
>If I have understood the dictionaries correctly, small
>as opposite to great is "hiina", but small as opposite
>to big is "culla"; so "cullayaana" (if it existed)
>would not be demeaning, but "hiinayaana" is.

You are right. Some years ago I wrote a study of the word "hinayana". Here
you will find further details:

Best regards,

Kåre A. Lie