Narada Ex 8-A solutions

From: John Kelly
Message: 6171
Date: 2005-01-17

Dear Yong Peng,

I've been revieweing your posted solutions at for the Narada text - exercise 8-A - and
have the following comments.

>* Sa'nga.nhati has three forms of indeclinable past
participle (or gerund): (1) sa'nga.nhitvaa, (2)
sa'ngahetvaa, (3) sa'ngayha.

First "sa'nganhaati" takes a long "a", I bleieve.
Second, I don't think the absolutive or gerund should
be called a past participle (although some grammar
books do so). The past participle is a separate
entity. Hence, I suggest rewrting this sentence as:
* Sa'nga.nhaati has three forms of indeclinable
absolutive (or gerund): (1) sa'nga.nhitvaa, (2)
sa'ngahetvaa, (3) sa'ngayha. [The past participle is

>** These alternative answers are rendered in
idiomatic English.
>[ sa"nga.nhaati = sa.m + ga.nhaati
>sa.m- = a prefix which probably means "well,
thoroughly, properly" here.
>ga.nhaati = seize, take, grab
>sa"nga.nhaati = "seize well"; captivate ]

In the above, you are using the "n as the Velthuis for
n with a superdot, whereas elsewhere on the solution
page you use 'n. Either seems to be standard, but I
suggest being consistent within the one page.

>*** went = agaami; came = aagaami.
I believe this should be:
*** went = agami; came = aagami.

With metta, John

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