Pali - Every few days - [B238]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 12 – Readings
Ex. 3 (Part 3 of 4)

Tassa disaasu sama.nabraahma.naa bhaasanti:
‘asukasmi.m naama gaame vaa nigame vaa itthii vaa
puriso vaa buddha.m gato hoti, dhamma.m gato hoti, sa.mgha.m gato hoti,
paa.naatipaataa pa.tivirato hoti, adinnaadaanaa
pa.tivirato hoti, kaamesumicchaacaaraa pa.tivirato
hoti, musaavaadaa pa.tivirato hoti,
suraamerayamajjapamaada.t.thaanaa pa.tivirato hoti,
siilavaa hoti kalyaa.nadhammo, vigatamalamaccharena
cetasaa agaara.m ajjhaavasati …’ti.
“Recluses and Brahmins speak well of him in all
directions: ‘In such-named village or town, a woman or
man has gone to the Buddha for refuge, has gone to the
Dhamma for refuge, has gone to the Sangha for refuge,
is restrained from killing living beings, from taking
what is not given, from sexual misconduct, from false
speech, and from liquor and intoxicants that cloud the
mind, is virtuous, and of a good nature, and inhabits
a house with a mind free from the impurity of avarice
… ’

Metta, John