Dear Yong Peng,
Thanks - you're right! There was a little blip in my transmission
of that instalment. Here's the intended version:
In this connection, monks, that man, crossed, gone thither, might
have (the thought) thus:
idha / bhikkhave / tassa / purisassa / paara"ngatassa / assa / evam
idha bhikkhave tassa purisassa paara"ngatassa evamassa:
Metta, John
--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <ypong001@...> wrote:
> Dear John and friends,
> I think you have missed some words in the middle line.
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In, John Kelly wrote:
> English into Pali (Part 5 of 6)
> In this connection, monks, that man, crossed, gone thither, might
> have (the thought) thus:
> idha / bhikkhave / evam
> idha bhikkhave tassa purisassa paara"ngatassa evamassa: