Dear Charles, Nina and friends,
you are right that 'passaami' and 'pibaama' should be in the
imperative/benedictive mood. Hence:
12. Mayha.m cakkhuuhi paapa.m na passaami, Bhante.
my / with eyes / evil / do not see! / Venerable Sir
Let me not see evil with my eyes, Venerable Sir.
13. Dhenuyaa khiira.m gahetvaa madhunaa pibaama.
cow's / milk / having gotten / with honey / drink!
Let us get the cow's milk and drink (it) with honey.
Yong Peng.
--- In, caball01 wrote:
For 12 and 13, I translated "May I..." and "May we..." in keeping
with the lesson for this chapter.