Hmmm. Does that mean that dropping diacritical marks was a bad idea
from the start? It was done as a result of a technical constraint.
Then path dependency kicks in and we are almost stuck with these "bad
spellings". Perhaps we should emphasise this aspect more and start a
campaign to rid Dhamma publications of non-diacritical (sloppy) paali
--- In, Gunnar Gällmo <gunnargallmo@...> wrote:
> --- libris <libris@...> skrev:
> >
> > Dear Dennis & friends,
> >
> > Reading Pali is like reading a musical score:
> > actually Pali is musical in its own way. Each
> > diacriticised character is a letter in itself. If
> > the diacritics are removed, the result is clearly
> > bad spelling! This is like removing all the vowels
> > from the English alphabet.
> >
> Or like removing all the accents from French.
> Gunnar
> =====
> gunnargallmo@...