Dear Lothar and friends,

welcome on board. Thank you for taking the time of introducing
yourself. I wish you well in your Dhamma study and practise, and hope
you will benefit from the discussions here.

Yong Peng.

> Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 11:56:05 +0200

Dear Pali Group Members,
thank you for the messages! I would like to introduce myself to the
I am a 50-years old german psychologist with brief interest in dhamma
studies. I came in contact with Yoga and Zen-Buddhism long ago and one
red line in my life is practicing the Eightfold Path. Maybe in three
Years my oldest son will finish University and I feel free to go to an
International Monastry in Northeastern Thailand to ordinate in the
tradition of the wood-monks. Though I am lazy, silly and sometimes nuts
I wish to dedicate my life to Buddha, Dharma ans Sangha. Sorry, if my
english is not perfect, my computer-knowledge is even worse for I am
online since one year, learning by trial and error.

I wish you all a peaceful 2005. With metta,

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