Dear Rett, Nina, John and friends,

as I was browsing the web through some old links earlier, I revisited
the site for the Pali-Intro mailing list. The list seems to be still
operative, but no one is maintaining it now. On this page, there are
some tutorial guides for the book which can be good additional

One problem with the page is the links are pointing to an earlier
domain, so you will have to replace the domain name.

For example,
should be

Yong Peng.

--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <ypong001@...> wrote:

I have no idea if an answer key exists. But, I believe there are
people who had used this book as a text.

> --- In, rett wrote:
> Does the book by Ven. Narada you are using have an answer key? And
is it available online?