(delurking for a few nanoseconds)

I was overjoyed when I found out Jeff (from
jhanas@...) transcribed the booklet into a
free pdf file. It still boggles my mind that very
mediocre and horrible books on Buddhism are
international bestsellers, while many of the truly
excellent books and articles on Buddhism authored by
eminent cultivators are available for free, under
promoted, and sadly, under-read.

you can get the free ebook here:

(I recently purchased this domain name and webhosting
service with high bandwidth and storage)

Or on Jeff's website (search for brahmavamso + "the
jhanas" in the message archive at jhanas@...)

Greetings to old friends on the list, Happy Holidays,
much metta, and may you experience abundant fruits
from your meditative practice.

(re-lurking and concentrating my efforts on my right
concentration and right effort...)
