--- "Dimitry A. Ivakhnenko (Äìèòðèé Àëåêñååâè÷
Èâàõíåíêî)" <sangha@...> skrev:

> AG> Is anyone aware of accepted theories relating
> these
> AG> scripts?

> See:
> http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/evolalpha.html
> Dimitry

As far as I can see, the runes are not included there;
but these are relatively new, and probably derived
mainly from Latin and Greek letters. Most Scandinavian
rune-stones are from early Christian times, with a few
from the latest Pre-Christian period. The main reason
for the form of the runes was the fact that they
should be easy to cut in wood, so they should contain
only straight lines, and never horizontal ones, as
those would be parallell with the wood fibres and thus
difficult to see.

