From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 5893
Date: 2004-12-16
> The vowels a > uu go from back to front, then e and o start a new
> back to front series (the 'dipthongs'). Similarly, the consonants
> start again at the back.
>> Also the consonants give me trouble. Ka, yes, but the others?
> Which others? Do you mean kha, ga, gha, ^na? These all share the same
> point of articulation with ka, but vary in terms of voiced/unvoiced,
> aspirated/unaspirated and nasal.
> Or do you mean the later groups of five? ca, .ta, ta, pa ? These have
> their place of articulation successively farther forward in the
> mouth, ending with the labials, pa, ba etc which are formed at the
> lips.
> Then the semivowels ya, ra, la, va go again back to front. And
> finally the sibilants, s, h. .l and .m are in there somewhere too,
> don't remember offhand where.