International Dhamma Research Tool From: Michael Olds
Message: 5813
Date: 2004-11-26
International Dhamma Research Tool From: Michael Olds
Message: 5813
Date: 2004-11-26
Bhante Sujato and all,
I read the post concerning a site organized around a collection of
concordances (and a previous post concerning a definitive edition of the
Pali) with a great deal of interest. To my mind a project of this nature is
the single most important thing Buddhists could do today for the future of
I have already personally begun re-organizing the materials I have
collected, and I would like to share what I think is the important first
step: getting a logical file structure in place so that even if the various
groups attacking this problem go different directions, their work can be
easily adapted between groups.
This is the file structure I am using as a working model (especially
important will be an agreement concerning file names (as opposed to 'titles'
of files) of the suttas -- I have suggested that the names be such that the
computer sorts the files so as to present them in order) -- modified from my
own to make it more general, but some examples are given as is the
occasional explanation:
This file structure is based on web design or on presentation of the
materials via CD. D = the drive letter of your CD ROM; /root/ represents the
first level of the opened CD, or would be the equivalent of /public/htdocs.
The idea of course is to make use of the 'link'. My scheme was to use a
Sutta Index as a central focus; link sutta texts and translations back to
the index so that an individual, coming to a sutta he wishes to compare with
other translations, just clicks and has a list of the other versions in
front of him. If there is a set of translations which is the focus of a
website (say such as at ATI) suttas could be linked to the index, while
sutta sections could be linked to the sections of the Pali text.
Internally suttas and discussions would be linked at important concepts to
the "Glossology" section, which is a section which deals in detail with
individual concepts and links back from that page to various other suttas
and resources that deal with that concept. Similar links would lead to
specialty sections such as for flora and fauna, geographic information, and
Focusing around a concordance or collection of concordances would be another
way to accomplish this by linking passages...or could be an addition.
Taking a look at the scope of such a project, it will be clear that asside
from the money needed to convince publishers to place their works into the
Public License (...Bh. S. 'Public License' is not an actual license issued
individually, but is a statement made by the publisher outlining the uses
permitted -- generally publication with attribution)...but will also require
a fair sized volunteer force for all the grunt work involved (scanning and
proofreading and link checking) although it is my bet that a good deal of
this work has already been done and has just not been permitted to reach the
|-- D:\root
{items needed for an auto-run CD}
| |-- winopen.exe
| |-- robots.txt
| |-- README.htm
| |-- index.htm
| |-- favicon.ico
| |-- cover_letter.txt
| |-- AutoRun.inf
| |-- 404.htm
| |-- D:\root\admin
| |
| | |-- D:\root\admin\cgi-bin
| | |
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\cgi-bin\search {Search tool and it's files}
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\admin\fonts
| | | | |
| | |-- D:\root\admin\includes
| | | |-- top_01.htm
| | | |-- top_02.htm
| | | |-- top_03.htm
| | | |-- navbar_01.htm
| | | |-- navbar_02.htm
| | | |-- navbar_03.htm
| | | |-- footer_01.htm
| | | |-- footer_02.htm
| | | |-- footer_03.htm
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\admin\software {Programs included for advanced users to
set up on their own computers}
| | |
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\apache
| | | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\apache\conf
| | | | | |-- httpd.conf
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\database
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\forum
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\operating_system
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\perl
| | | |-- D:\root\admin\software\search
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\admin\styles
| | | |-- in_header_css.htm
| | | |-- common.css
| | |
| |-- D:\root\backmatter
| | |-- webmasterspage.htm
| | |-- posters.htm
| | |-- oneliners.htm
| | |-- links.htm
| |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes
| | | |-- appendixes.htm
| | | | | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\buddhas_india {On the geography
and life-styles of Buddha's India}
| | | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\garden_of_edan
| | | | |-- flora
| | | | |-- fauna
| | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\proper_names
| | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\resources {Could be a huge
section; essentially any useful non-cannonical resource -- for a website,
the area for storing downloadable materials}
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\resources\A Bhikkhu Manual
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\resources\q_king_milinda
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\resources\rubaiyat
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\appendixes\resources\wings_to_awakening
| | | | |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\bibliography
| | | | |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\exercises
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\gallery
| | | |-- walshe_sm.gif
| | | |-- venpunnaji_small.gif
| | | |-- tw_rd_sm.jpg
| | | |-- rhys_davids.jpg
| | | |-- nanavira_head_sm.jpg
| | | |-- jglick2_small.jpg
| | | |-- ib_horner_sm.jpg
| | | |-- gallery.htm
| | | |-- caf_rd_sm.jpg
| | | |-- bhk_bodhi_sm.jpg
| | | |-- bhk.thanissaro_sm.gif
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology
| | | |-- glossologyTOC.htm
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ATI_glossary
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\audios
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\glossology {a collection of the
important concept words used in the suttas with dictionary definitions,
contemporary discussions, comparative vocabularies of all well-known
translators; commentary notes; and links back into the main body of the site
to locations where the term is used}
| | | | |-- Abhassara.htm
| | | | |-- abhibhayatana.htm
| | | | |-- Abhibhu.htm
| | | | |-- abhinna.htm
| | | | |-- abhivinaya_abhidhamma.htm
| | | | |-- ajiva.htm
...| | | | |-- yoniso-manasikara.htm
| | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ped {Various Dictionaries --
keeping in mind the eventual need for a consolidated dictionary}
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ped\buddhadata_ped
| | | | | |--
| | | | | | |--
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ped\Nyanatiloka_Bud_Dict
| | | | | |--
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ped\palienglish_dict_concise
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ped\PED
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\glossology\ped\sltp_dictionary
| | | | |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\concordances
| | | | |
| | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes
| | | |-- vinaya_resources_toc.htm
| | | |-- sunnata_resources_toc.htm
| | | |-- satipatthana_resources_toc.htm
| | | |-- ones_resources_toc.htm
| | | |-- mulapariyaya_resources_toc.htm
| | | |-- idx_index.htm
| | | |-- propernames.htm
| | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes\sutta
| | | | |-- sutta_toc.htm
| | | |
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes\sutta\an
| | | | |
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes\sutta\dn
| | | | |
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes\sutta\mn
| | | | |
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes\sutta\sn
| | | | | |
| | | | |-- D:\root\backmatter\indexes\sutta\vp
| | | | |
| |-- D:\root\dhammatalk {Archives of bulletin board discussions}
| | |-- dt_TOC.htm
| |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\audios
| | | |-- anIII.XII.131.mp3
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\beginners_questions {this list may seem
excessively long, but it was my experience on BuddhaDust that it pretty well
covers those questions that will be asked by entry-level students...looking
to find some easy way to pass Comparative Religion 101... AKA: FAQ}
| | | |-- teachers_worth_following.htm
| | | |-- stumbling_block.htm
| | | |-- start_here.htm
| | | |-- sorry.htm
| | | |-- some_links.htm
| | | |-- skillful_means.htm
| | | |-- sasana.htm
| | | |-- ratthapalas_faith.htm
| | | |-- omniscience.htm
| | | |-- motivation.htm
| | | |-- middle_way.htm
| | | |-- making_good_kamma.htm
| | | |-- kamma_or_fate.htm
| | | |-- incalculable_beginning.htm
| | | |-- good_example.htm
| | | |-- end_of_the_world.htm
| | | |-- direct_insight.htm
| | | |-- compare_sutta_with_sutta.htm
| | | |-- attachment.htm
| | | |-- advantage_giver.htm
| | | |-- 4_characteristics_streamwinner.htm
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\book_reviews
| | | |-- wisdom_pubs_books.htm
| | | |-- pts_books.htm
| | | |-- pariyatti_books.htm
| | | |-- nanavira.htm
| | | |-- metta_foundation.htm
| | | |-- meditations_thanissaro.htm
| | | |-- handful_of_leaves.htm
| | | |-- cleargreen_workshops.htm
| | | |-- catch22.htm
| | | |-- awakening_meditation.htm
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\dhamma_talk {on understanding the system}
| | | |-- where_is_memory.htm
| | | |-- ven_punnaji.htm
| | | |-- understanding_2.htm
| | | |-- understanding_1.htm
| | | |-- the_ones.htm
| | | |-- the_fingernail.htm
| | | |-- the_asavas.htm
| | | |-- tanha_vs_upadana.htm
| | | |-- subhasutta.htm
| | | |-- subdivisions_hell.htm
| | | |-- snake_simile.htm
| | | |-- satipatthana.htm
| | | |-- respect_worthy_dhamma.htm
| | | |-- reliance_authority.htm
| | | |-- now_is_the_time.htm
| | | |-- not_self.htm
| | | |-- nidana_paccay.acara.htm
| | | |-- mirror.htm
| | | |-- maha_vedalla_sutta.htm
| | | |-- magandiya.htm
| | | |-- lay_arahants.htm
| | | |-- helpful_inthe_beginning.htm
| | | |-- free_will.htm
| | | |-- fetters.htm
| | | |-- feelings.htm
| | | |-- examiningthemulapariyaya.htm
| | | |-- equanimity.htm
| | | |-- emptiness.htm
| | | |-- eel_wriggling.htm
| | | |-- downbindings.htm
| | | |-- closed_fist.htm
| | | |-- cesspit.htm
| | | |-- certainty_without_faith.htm
| | | |-- burning_off_kamma.htm
| | | |-- before_freud.htm
| | | |-- art_of_disengagement.htm
| | | |-- a_lucky_night.htm
| | | |-- 8_worldly_dhammas.htm
| | | |-- 7_thoughts.htm
| | | |-- 6_realms_mastery.htm
| | | |-- 4the_here_now.htm
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\ethical_culture
| | | |-- worldly_activism.htm
| | | |-- vesali.htm
| | | |-- unattainable.htm
| | | |-- thinking_in_ethical_terms.htm
| | | |-- the_first_lie.htm
| | | |-- suicide.htm
| | | |-- sex_andthe_lay_buddhist.htm
| | | |-- pulling_the_plug.htm
| | | |-- one_meal_a_day.htm
| | | |-- kamma.htm
| | | |-- he_handles_gold.htm
| | | |-- haste.htm
| | | |-- giving.htm
| | | |-- fire.htm
| | | |-- evolution.htm
| | | |-- ethics_morality.htm
| | | |-- eating_meat.htm
| | | |-- content.htm
| | | |-- befriend_self.htm
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\give_ear {on translating}
| | | |-- winds.htm
| | | |-- vibhava.htm
| | | |-- using_beggar_4_bhikkhu.htm
| | | |-- unrighteous.htm
| | | |-- translation_bias.htm
| | | |-- the_first_word.htm
| | | |-- sutta_man.htm
| | | |-- spell_bound.htm
| | | |-- samma_miccha~.htm
| | | |-- rethinking_vitakka.htm
| | | |-- remembering_sati.htm
| | | |-- q_a_pruitt.htm
| | | |-- paticca_samuppada_x4.htm
| | | |-- outline_cankisutta.htm
| | | |-- one_sure_way.htm
| | | |-- nevasannanasanna.htm
| | | |-- mystery.htm
| | | |-- mara_suttas.htm
| | | |-- first_sutta.htm
| | | |-- dn33_sangiti.htm
| | | |-- Digha_v1.htm
| | | |-- chachakkhasutta_outline.htm
| | | |-- brahmi.htm
| | | |-- brahmajala.htm
| | | |-- body_overseeing_body.htm
| | | |-- bhava_vibhava.htm
| | | |-- 7_types_individuals.htm
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\sitting_practice
| | | |-- walkn_the_talk.htm
| | | |-- using_paticca_samuppada.htm
| | | |-- under_the_tree.htm
| | | |-- the_place_to_pace.htm
| | | |-- The Jhanas (Meditative Absorptions).htm
| | | |-- temporary_vimutti.htm
| | | |-- start_here.htm
| | | |-- some_aspects_samadhi.htm
| | | |-- sit_down_practice.htm
| | | |-- purpose_of_meditation.htm
| | | |-- powers_ofthe_aristocrats.htm
| | | |-- personal_experiences.htm
| | | |-- on_1st_burning.htm
| | | |-- nibbana_without_jhana.htm
| | | |-- metta~.htm
| | | |-- meditation_on_death.htm
| | | |-- leg_muscles.htm
| | | |-- koan_n_samma_ditthi.htm
| | | |-- jhana_no_teacher.htm
| | | |-- iddhi_magic_powers.htm
| | | |-- entering_2nd-burning.htm
| | | |-- dont_chase_progress.htm
| | | |-- breathing_practice.htm
| | | |-- 40_kasinas.htm
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhammatalk\uposatha
| | | |-- uposatha_days.htm
| | | |-- preparing4_uposatha.htm
| | | |-- calendar.htm
| | | |-- basic_howto.htm
| | |
| |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya {location for actual sutta translations and
Pali Texts -- Indexes and Concordances should be placed in the
Appendixes/Indexes section. The ATI section reflects the current ATI
organization; the BD section reflects the proposed organization.}
| |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\an
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\dn
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\icon
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\dhp
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\iti
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\khp
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\suttanipata
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\theragatha
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\therigatha
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\khud\udana
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\mn
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\sn
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\ati\vp
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd
| | |
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\01_ones
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\02_twos
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\03_threes
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\04_fours
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\05_fives
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\06_sixes
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\07_sevens
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\08_eights
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\09_nines
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\10_tens
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\an\11_elevens
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\dn
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\dn\dn_01_bd.htm
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\dn\dn_33_bd.htm
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\mn
| | | | |-- mn_075_bd.htm.htm
| | | | |-- mn_082_bd.htm.htm
| | | | |-- mn_084_bd.htm.htm
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\sn
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\sn\01_sagv
| | | | | |--sn_sagv_01_002_bd.htm
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\sn\02_nv
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\sn\03_kv
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\sn\04_salv
| | | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\sn\05_mv
| | | | |
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\bd\vp
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\chinese
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\german
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\italian
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\misc
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\misc\an
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\misc\dn
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\misc\mn
| | | | |-- mn_149_vimalaramsi.htm
| | | | |-- mn_148_vimalaramsi.htm
| | | | |-- mn_111_vimalaramsi.htm
| | | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\misc\sn
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\pali
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\pts
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\russian
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\sanskrit
| | | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\spanish
| | |
| | |-- D:\root\dhamma-vinaya\wp
| | | |
| |-- D:\root\frontmatter
| | |-- website_established.htm
| | |-- copyright.htm
| | |-- home.htm
| |
| |-- D:\root\images
| |
| |-- D:\root\soundfiles
| | |-- Sujato_2003_12_14[1].mp3
| | |-- D:\root\soundfiles\punnaji_audio
| | |-- D:\root\soundfiles\Thanissaro_audio
| |-- D:\root\the_pali_line {This is my version of the Gradual Course.
Whether or not my version is used, some sort of Introduction to Buddhism
should be provided}
There are some real issues that need to be dealt with in considering this
Due to the international nature of the collection, UNICODE character
encoding seems called for. However the site also needs to be searched and as
yet the only UNICODE compliant search tools out there are US$10,000 and up.
AG, a member of this board, and some others are working on a stand-alone
search tool useful for searching a CD. At ATI and previously on BuddhaDust
the Fluid Dynamics Search Engine was used and is satisfactory for searching
a website that uses special character encodings such as Normyn, but is not
UNICODE compliant.
Take Care;
and may your life be long and happy!
Michael Olds
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