Hi Everyone,

Would anyone like to try their hand at translating the following
verse? Or does anyone have a translation of the Vessantarajaataka
(547) handy?

The context is that the Bodhisatta has been granted eight boons from
Sakka. This verse is his fourth wish:

Paradaara.m na gaccheyya.m, sadaarapasuto siya.m
thiina.m vasa.m na gaccheyya.m, catutth' eta.m vara.m vare.

Jaataka 2326. (Vessantarajaataka verse 643). PTS edition page 572 lines 27-28.

Pada c "thina.m vasa.m na gaccheyya.m" is the part that is puzzling
to me. The first thing that comes to mind is that he asks not to
succomb to sloth. But then I would expect a compound, thiinavasa.m or
thiinassa vasa.m. This also would sound like he's trying to pack two
wishes into one verse, unless 'sloth' here could instead be
translated as 'indifference' as in indifference towards his wife.
This indifference would be the opposite of being 'devoted to his own
wife' (sadaarapasuto).

Some further options which leave me confused are that vasaa can mean
woman, barren woman, cow.. (see Skrt va'saa). This leaves open some
idiosyncratic translation possibilities.

The commentary offers no help here, so we can assume this pada was
considered unproblematic.

Thanks for any help,
