--- John Kelly <palistudent@...> skrev:
> atthi kho bho sama.no Gotamo Sakyaputto Sakyakulaa
> pabbajito.
> it is / indeed / sir / ascetic / Gotama / Sakyan-son
> /
> Sakyan-clan / wanderer
> “Sir, it is the wandering ascetic Gotama Sakyaputta
> of
> the Sakyan clan.

I think "sakyakulaa" must be ablative case, so a more
literal translation would be "it is the ascetic
Gotama, gone forth from the Sakya clan"; this would
also mean, I think, that as "sakyakulaa pabbajito", he
has formally left the clan and is no longer a member
of it, which "of the Sakyan clan" doesn't show.

