More Pali - Every few days - [C179]

From: John Kelly
Message: 5757
Date: 2004-11-11

More Pali - Every few days - [C179]
Warder - Exercise 19 (page 145)
Passages for Reading 1 (Part 15 of 15)

eva.m bho ti kho te satthikaa tassa satthavaahassa
yes / friend / (end-quote) / indeed / these / caravan
merchants / to this / caravan leader / having replied
�Yes, friend�, the caravan merchants replied to the
caravan leader,

yaani sakasmi.m satthe appa-saaraani pa.niyaani taani
cha.d.detvaa yaani tasmi.m satthe mahaa-saaraani
pa.niyaani taani aadiyitvaa,
which / in their own / caravan / little-value /
commodities / those / having thrown away / which / in
this / caravan / great-value / commodities / those /
having taken
and they threw away those commodities of little value
in their owncaravan, and took what was of great value
in that caravan,

sotthinaa ta.m kantaara.m nitthari.msu yathaa ta.m
pa.n.ditena satthavaahena pari.naayakena.
with safety / that / wilderness / they crossed through
/ just as / that / by the wise / caravan leader /
and so they crossed through the wilderness safely with
the wise caravan leader guiding them.
[D.II.343-6 � xxiii.23]

Metta, John

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