Hi Yong Peng,

> 9. Mayha.m saamino jananii bhikkhuniinañ* ca upaasikaanañ ca
> sa'nga.nhi.
> my / husband's / mother / nuns and / female devotees and /
> treated
> My husband's mother served the nuns and female devotees.

I noticed a fault in the original passage: the object of
sa'nga.nhaati should be accusative, not dative. E.g.

Katha.m pana tva.m, Hatthaka, ima.m mahati.m parisa.m
"How then, Hatthaka, do you hold this great assembly
(A iv 216-7 Hatthaka Sutta)

(to 'collect', 'comprise', 'gather together' are other meanings
of sa'nga.nhaati)

Best wishes,
