Pali - Every few days - [B202]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 11 � Readings
Ex. 2 (Part 4 of 5)

�Na khvaaha.m ta.m, aavuso, passaami sadevake loke
sabrahmake pajaaya
sadevamanussaaya yo me citta.m vaa khipeyya hadaya.m
vaa phaaleyya paadesu vaa gahetvaa paaraga�ngaaya
khipeyya. Api ca tva.m, aavuso, puccha yad
�Indeed I do not see, friend, anyone in this world
with its Brahma and devas, in this generation with its
ascetics and Brahmins, devas and humans, who could
confuse my mind, rend my heart asunder, and pick me up
by the feet and throw me to the other side of the
Ganges. Nevertheless, friend, ask what you wish�.

Atha kho Aa.lavako yakkho Bhagavanta.m gaathaaya
Then the demon Alavaka addressed the Blessed One in
the following verses:

Metta, John