From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 5696 Date: 2004-10-25
An Elementary Pali Course
Exercise 10-A: Translate into English.
5. Paapakaarii, tumhe paapa.m katvaa duggatiisu uppajjissatha.
evil doers / you / evil / having done / in evil states /
will be born
Evil doers, you having done evil will be born in evil states.
6. Idaani maya.m brahmacaarino homa.
now / we / celibates / are
We are celibates now.
7. Mahesiyo naariina.m puñña.m kaatu.m dhana.m denti.
queens / to women / good / to do / wealth / give
The queens donate money to do good for the womenfolk.
8. Hatthino ca hatthiniyo ca a.taviisu ca pabbatesu ca vasanti.
male elephants and / female elephants and / in mountains and
/ in forests and / live
The male and female elephants live in the mountains and forests.
Yong Peng
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