More Pali - Every few days - [C171]

From: John Kelly
Message: 5691
Date: 2004-10-24

More Pali - Every few days - [C171]
Warder - Exercise 19 (page 145)
Passages for Reading 1 (Part 7 of 15)

yadaa a��aasi dutiyo satthavaaho: bahu-nikkhanto kho
daani so sattho ti,
when / he khew / second / caravan leader / much gone
forth / indeed / then / this / caravan / (end-quote)
When the second caravan leader knew that the other
caravan had gone far enough ahead,

bahu.m� ca ka.t.tha� ca udaka� ca aaropetvaa
sattha.m payaapesi.
much / grass / and / firewood / and / water and /
having collected / caravan / set out
he collected much grass, firewood and water and set

dviiha-tiiha-payaato kho pana so sattho addasa
purisa.m lohit-akkha.m apanaddha-kalaapa.m
kumuda-maali.m alla-vattha.m alla-kesa.m
kaddama-makkhiitehi cakkehi gadrabhara-rathena
pa.tipatha.m aagacchanta.m.
two days, three days, set out / indeed / then / this /
caravan / saw / man / black / red-eyed / tied quiver /
white water-lily garland / wet clothes / wet hair /
mud smeared / with wheels / by donkey-cart / in the
opposite direction / coming
After two or three days journey, he saw coming in the
opposite direction a red-eyed, black man, with a
quiver attached, a garland of white water-lilies, wet
clothes and hair, and a donkey cart with mud-spattered

Metta, John

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