Hi again,

>I used "patino" (or "patissa") for "to master". Can "pati" and
>"adhipati" be used interchangeably?

According to the PED 'pati' in the sense 'lord, master' is mostly
used at the end of compounds, eg gahapati, dhaanapati. Standalone it
could be taken for 'husband'. Just based on that I'd guess that yes
they can be used interchangeably in the context of an isolated
exercise, but I'd prefer adhipati. Of course if we found out this
sentence was spoken in a drama by a women writing to her husband then
the context would warrant pati.

>6. Only yesterday I wrote a letter and sent to my master.
>eva / hiiyo / aha.m / likhitvaa / lekhana.m / pesesi.m /
>mayha.m / adhipatissa
>Eva hiiyo aha.m lekhana.m likhitvaa mayha.m adhipatissa

In the above I reacted to placing 'eva' first in the sentence and
before the word it modifies. I'd prefer "hiiyo eva..."

best regards,
