More Pali - Every few days - [C167]
Warder - Exercise 19 (page 145)
Passages for Reading 1 (Part 3 of 15)
eva.m kho bho purato kantaare mahaamegho,
yes / indeed / friend / ahead / in the wilderness /
great cloud / heavy rain
�Yes indeed, friend, there is much rain in the
wilderness ahead,
aasitt-odakaani va.tumaani, bahu.m� ca ka.t.tha�
ca udaka� ca,
poured water / roads / much / grass / and / firewood /
and / water / and
the roads are covered in water and there is plenty of
grass, firewood and water.
cha.d.detha bho puraa.naani ti.naani ka.t.thaani
throw away / friend / old / grass / firewood / water
Throw away your old grass, firewood and water,
lahu-bhaarehi saka.tehi siigha.m siigha.m gacchatha,
light load / with carts / very fast / you go
and go very fast with your carts lightly loaded.
maa yoggaani kilamethaa ti.
do not / oxen / tire / (end-quote)
Do not tire your oxen.�
Metta, John
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