From: Piya Tan
Message: 5630
Date: 2004-10-09
> --- In, Piya Tan <libris@...> wrote:
> > Bhante & friends,
> >
> > I have used the old style classical Fantizi (mainland China uses
> the
> > simplified Jiantizi). My gut feeling is that the Fantizi might be
> more
> > useful since the Chinese Tripitaka uses it, and modern scholars as
> such
> > would be more familiar with it. However, I am not sure if there
> are greater
> > benefits in using the simplified Jiantizi.
> Hello Piya Tan
> Great to hear you are finding results already using the Chinese.
> I am very far from being an expert, but i understand that basically
> all Buddhist scholarship is done using the traditional characters
> (Fantizi). Ven Analayo strongly recommends using the Dr Eye
> software, which he says makes reading the agamas in
> Chinese 'kindergarten'. There is a specific Buddhist Chinese upgrade
> for this which he has and is sending to me. Do you want it? I can
> find out details for you, though i don't have them to hand. I am
> still working on the Rosetta basic Chinese (ni hao ma?).
> I just received an email from the Thai group, associated with
> Culalongkorn Uni, who have completed (but not yet published) the
> first critical edition of the Pali canon. Now they are talking about
> a 'world tipitaka': a full digital architecture for all Buddhist
> scriptures in all languages. Wow! I'll give you more info as i find
> out about it.
> in Dhamma
> Bhante Sujato
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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