An Elementary Pali Course

Exercise 7-B: Translate into Pali.

7. Child, why do you stand in front of your teacher?
daaraka / kasmaa / tva.m / a.t.thaaso / purato / aacariyassa
Daaraka, kasmaa tva.m tava aacariyassa purato a.t.thaaso?

8. Wife, you cooked rice in the morning.
bhariye / tva.m / apaco / odana.m / paato
Bhariye, tva.m paato odana.m apaco.

9. Son, where did you go yesterday?
putta / kuhi.m / tva.m / agamo / hiiyo
Putta, kuhi.m tva.m hiiyo agamo?

10. You obtained wisdom through your teachers.
tumhe / labhittha / pañña.m / tumhaaka.m / aacariyehi
Tumhe tumhaaka.m aacariyehi pañña.m labhittha.

Yong Peng