Dear Stephen, Gunnar and friends,

Gunnar, thanks for your interesting comments on 'ganga'. Stephen,
thanks for pointing out on puujeti. It is in Exercise 6-B.

7. With faith the girl goes to offer flowers to the Buddha.
saddhaaya / daarikaa / gacchati / puujetu.m / pupphehi /
Daarikaa saddhaaya Buddha.m pupphehi puujetu.m gacchati.

'flowers' is in instrumental form, while 'Buddha' is in accusative
form. Literally, the sentence reads "With faith the girl goes to
offer the Buddha with flowers."

There is, however, in Exercise 5-A, while the author uses 'puujeti'
as 'offers' in the authentic English sense. I refer to sentence 18
(compare with sentence 10).

I wonder if this is a Sihalese Pali variant. I would appreciate if
someone can shed some light on it. Thanks.

Yong Peng.

--- In, Stephen Hodge wrote:
I am a bit confused -- I afraid I have accidentally deleted your
actual translation so I can't quote it verbatim, but it was the one
about the girls offering flowers to the Buddha, in which I think you
had "flowers" in the accusative.