From: rjkjp1
Message: 5513
Date: 2004-09-16
> Here's the revised attempt for verse 11 and a first run on 12.
> Also want to say I think it's great that you've translated the
> MahaParinirvana.yena
> peace,
> connie
> 2.
> 11. <Naaha.m bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami
> anuppanno vaa kaamacchando uppajjati uppanno vaa kaamacchandoof /
> bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattati yathayida.m, bhikkhave,
> subhanimitta.m.
> not I say / monks, / other / single dhamma / understood / because
> where / unarisen / as / attachment to sensual pleasure / arises /arisen
> / as / attachment to sensual pleasure / exceedingly + state ofexistence /
> abundance / leads to / wherever / monks / pleasurable nimitta.munarisen
> I do not say, monks, I regard any other thing to so account for
> attachment to sensual pleasure arising, and arisen attachment tosensual
> pleasure developing in abundance as pleasurable perceptual forms.vepullaaya
> < bhikkhave, ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva
> kaamacchando uppajjati uppanno ca kaamacchando bhiyyobhaavaaya
> sa.mvattatiiâ>ti. Pa.thama.m.does /
> pleasurable perceptual forms / monks / improper / attention /
> unarisen / like / attachment to sensual pleasure / arises /arisen / and /
> attachement to sensual pleasure / exceedingly + state ofexistence /
> abundance / leads to / said. / first.unborn
> Improper attention to pleasureable perceptual forms, monks, causes
> attachment to sensual pleasure to arise, and arisen attachment tosensual
> pleasure to develop in abundance.>bhiyyobhaavaaya
> This is the first thing.
> 12. <Naaha.m bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
> anuppanno vaa byaapaado uppajjati uppanno vaa byaapaado
> vepullaaya sa.mvattati yathayida.m, bhikkhave, pa.tighanimitta.m.ceva
> Pa.tighanimitta.m, bhikkhave, ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno
> byaapaado uppajjati uppanno ca byaapaado bhiyyobhaavaayavepullaaya
> sa.mvattatii>ti. Dutiya.m.unarisen
> byaapaada - malevolence, ill-will, anger
> pa.tigha - repugnance, repulsion, anger
> <I do not say, monks, I regard another thing to so account for
> ill-will arising, or arisen ill-will to develop in abundance, asrepulsive
> perceptual forms. Improper attention to repulsive perceptualforms, monks
> causes unarisen ill-will to arise, and arisen ill-will to developin
> abundance.>
> This is the second thing.