--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, "Stephen Hodge" <s.hodge@...> wrote:

>Robert > I think scientists can never understand nama, rupa
(materiality) is
> very
> > different from nama and so any ideas such as neurons are not
helpful when
> trying to
> > understand mentality.
> Well, "never" is a very lomg time :) As you will be aware, there
are a
> variety of models for understanding the mind / mentality and its
> relationship to the CNS. For me, the theory that fits best with
Buddhism is
> the idea that the mind is an emergent phenomenon from the brain.
That is to
> say, it arises from the central and peripheral neurological
structures but
> is not identical to them.

Dear Stephen,
You will have to point me to which texts suggest this. Is it
mahayana as I am fairly certain this is not a Theravada idea?