Dear Lothar Schenk,

> How many cittas or what fraction of a citta can one firing neuron produce,
> according to neurophysiology?
I'm not sure because neurphysiology does not talk about cittas / cetasiks
though one could say that they are mental events to get a handle on the
matter. There are two aspects to the neuron question -- rate and speed.
The rate is the number of times a single neuron can fire and transmit its
signal along the dendrites. This process is partly electrical and partly
chemical -- the involvement of the chemical neurotransmitters in particular
suggests a physical limitation as the neuron and dendritic synapses need
time to
recharge. The neuron rate of discharge apparently varies according many
factors but these days it seems to be measured in megahertz. The other,
perhaps more crucial factor, is the speed of the discharge and signal
transmission along the dendritic synapses. This apparently ranges from 1 to
120 metres per second.

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge