From: santiforestmonastery
Message: 5270
Date: 2004-08-16
> Dear Bhante Sujato,Sarv DA as
> A follow-up to an earlier message of yours.
> > [snip] but also from the list of contents of the Sarv and Mula
> mentioned in laterApadana,
> > texts. These have only 16 texts (=silakkhandhavagga, M Pari, M
> Sangiti, Dasottara,Arthavistara
> > Catusparisat (=first chapter of Vinaya Mahavagga), and
> (?proto-abhidhamma?))DA, I am
> As I have not done any detailed or wide ranging research on the
> interested that you mention the existence of lists of contents forthe
> SarvDA and the MSarvDA. Can you give me any references please ?My info comes from Rod Bucknell's unpublished work on the structure
> have not, as I mention above, done any detailed research on theDA, I have
> been revisiting my notes on Shamathadeva's Abhidharma-ko'sopaayika, which as
> you will be aware, is a large compilation of Agama materialsurviving in its
> Tibetan translation. It is a feature of Shamathadeva's methodthat he often
> gives a varga and uddaana to locate the sutra he is reproducingfrom the
> Agamas. The DA (and MA, for that matter) he quotes is interestingas its
> structure can partially be reconstructed -- I believe, for severalreasons,
> that it is the MulaSarvDA.I still don't quite get the distinguishing features between Sarv and
> Dharmagupta version in Chinese as well as the Pali version. Itseems to
> have three vargas, as one might expect and I have identified theexist:with
> following -- I give the Pali titles for convenience where they
> the Dharmagupta sutra numbers:=tevijja??
> 1. Tri-da.n.da-suutra DA12 ? No Pali version
> 2. Keva.t.ta DA24which he
> 3. Lohicca I DA29
> 4. Lohicca II DA29 (S states that there are two Lohicca sutras
> calls the ""to one
> ?. Sama~n~na-phala DA27
> 9. Po.t.thapada DA28
> ?. Brahma-jala-sutra DA21 [But last sutra in this varga]
> 1. Title unknown but something that contains a passage identical
> found in MA72 (MN128)Other refs to this: EA 24.8, T 152.10, T161, T1428.28
> Nothing else identifiable for this varga.a whole]
> 1. Sa'ngiiti DA9 [location tentative]
> 2. Udumbarika-sihanada DA8 [location tentative]
> 3. Dasottara DA10.
> 5. Mahaa-apadaana DA1
> 6. DA2 [Last sutra in this varga and in DA as
> It will be very interesting to see how the structure of the new DA
> relates to the data we already the
> Shamathadeva also quotes from a MA -- also different in structure
> Pali MN and to the Chinese translation of the Sarvastivadin MA.As a
> considerable percentage of this MA is quoted, often entire sutras,much
> useful reserach could be done with this material. If I ever getthe time, I
> hope to digitize the entire workI want to make a website that will function as a resource base for
> knowledge of this extremely significant work -- nobody seems tohave done
> much with it apart from the Japanese.that
> Finally, regarding the SA, you will possibly be interested to note
> Shamathadeva's source Agama places the Buddha [=Tathaagata] and
> the ' in a K.sudraka-pit.aka and not in hisSA !
> ommission of these two collections of vyaakara.nas is also implictin
> Asanga's treatment of the SA in the YBS. Likewise, the Saagathaa-varga
> seems to have circulated independently of the SA in some schools --as
> corroborated by a separate Chinese translation of it.
> Hope this is of interest.
> Best wishes,
> Stephen Hodge