not I say / monks, / other / one + dhamma / seen, found, understood /
because of; where / not born; not arisen / or; like,as; only / attachment
to sensual pleasure / to be born; arises / reborn; arisen / or; like, as;
only / attachment to sensual pleasure / exceedingly, more, in a higher
degree, repeatedly + state of existence, nature, becoming, condition /
full development, abundance / exists, leads to / where(ever) + yida.m-? /
monks / beautiful, auspicious + sign, cause, minor or major
characteristics, object.
I do not say, monks, I have understood any other thing to so account for
unborn attachment to sensual pleasure arising and arisen attachment to
sensual pleasure fully developing in abundance as pleasurable objects.
beautiful, auspicious + sign, cause, minor or major characteristics,
object / monks / unwise, improper / mind, intention / does, makes, acts,
builds / not born, not arisen / ceva = c'eva? = ca + iva? eva? = and
+ like, as [or] only / attachment to sensual pleasure / to be born, arises
/ reborn, arisen / and / attachment to sensual pleasure / exceedingly,
more, in a higher degree, repeatedly + state of existence, nature,
becoming, condition / full development, abundance / exists, leads to / end
quote, said / first, foremost, former.
Unwise consideration of pleasureable objects, monks, causes unborn
attachment to sensual pleasure to arise and arisen attachment to sensual
pleasure to fully develop in abundance." This is the first thing.