Lothar Schenk wrote:

> Copyright law in Japan goes much further back than 1968, as you can see on
> this site:
Yes, my mistake -- I was thinking of China.
I am sorry you continue to be unhappy about my scannning and posting a few
pages from Prof Mizuno's Dictionary. For myself, I honestly do not think
any impropriety is involved -- the pages constitute about 2% of the whole
book, the membership of the Pali group is limited and quasi-private, no
financial gain or loss is likely to be involved, and credit has been given
for the source.
If you are having difficulties with your conscious, then you must do what
you feel is right: don't use the files. I hope you are as scrupulous in all
your other activities -- bearing in mind the old anarchist adage "property
is theft".

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge