Dear Friends,

Pansa is here, and I look forward to posting a whole lot of paali soon :)

I am writing to let you all know about a Windows 98-based program that looks very promising. It is called "Pali Lookup". The description I can give you is as follows:

It is based on Buddhadatta's Concise Pali English Dictionary with additions and corrections. The definitions are quite brief. It is fully searchable by partial string anywhere in the word (eg. amm gives "dhamma", "ammaa", etc.). The best part about it though is that it includes declensions and conjugations of every declinable or congugatable word in it. And we're not just talking present active voice or third person singular, this has 6 conjugations and 5 participles for the verbs, and all three genders fully declined for each noun (if a noun has multiple genders). Also, for every declension/conjugation, there is a button to check how many times (if at all) that form appears in the tipitaka (it even allows you to factor in sandhi variations). It supports diacritics - just type aa and you get a real long a. Sa'nkhittena (in brief), it looks impressive. It is free, and located in the following directory. Don't download from the website, the link is only to the setup file (the CAB is in the directory). Go to the following directory and download the files individually:

or here, I'll send the links to the individual files too:

Sorry for those users of Apple systems, no luck.

Best wishes,


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