Dear Friends,

Here is AN 6.7.8


Not so much to say, I changed some words that also appeared in the last sutta, to fit better with the others that appear here, so:

asakkaccakaarii = one who acts carelessly

.thiti = sustaining


balata'm = fortitude (I almost put "powerfulness")

kusala = good (here in the sense of skillful, but other places in the sense of wholesome)

Here is the sutta:


7. Devataavaggo

8. Balasutta'm

"Chahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannaagato bhikkhu abhabbo samaadhismi'm, balata'm paapu.nitu'm.

/with six /o monks /dhammas /endowed /a monk /is unable /in concentration / fortitude /to attain /

With six, o monks, dhammas endowed, a monk is unable to attain fortitude in regards to concentration.

Katamehi chahi? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na samaadhissa samaapattikusalo hoti, na samaadhissa .thitikusalo hoti, na samaadhissa, vu.t.thaanakusalo hoti, asakkaccakaarii ca hoti, asaataccakaarii ca, asappaayakaarii ca.

/with which /six /here /o monks /a monk /not /of concentration /good at attaining /is /not /of concentration /good at sustaining /is /not /of concentration /good at augmenting /is /one who acts carelessly /and /is /one who acts without persistence /and /one who acts unsuitably /and /

With which six? Here, o monks, a monk is not good at attaining concentration, is not good at sustaining concentration, is not good at augmenting concentration. Also, he is someone who acts carelessly, who acts without persistence, and who acts unsuitably.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, chahi dhammehi samannaagato bhikkhu abhabbo samaadhismi'm

balata'm paapu.nitu'm.

/with these /indeed /o monks /six /dhammas /endowed /a monk /is unable /in concentration / fortitude /to attain /

Indeed, with these, o monks, six dhammas endowed, a monk is unable to attain fortitude in regards to concentration.

"Chahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannaagato bhikkhu bhabbo samaadhismi'm balata'm paapu.nitu'm.

/with six /o monks /dhammas /endowed /a monk /is able /in concentration / fortitude /to attain /

With six, o monks, dhammas endowed, a monk is able to attain fortitude in regards to concentration.

Katamehi chahi? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu samaadhissa samaapattikusalo hoti, samaadhissa .thitikusalo hoti, samaadhissa vu.t.thaanakusalo hoti, sakkaccakaarii ca hoti, saataccakaarii ca, sappaayakaarii ca.

/with which /six /here /o monks /a monk /of concentration /good at attaining /is /of concentration /good at sustaining /is /of concentration /good at augmenting /is /one who acts carefully /and /is /one who acts with persistence /and /one who acts suitably /and /

With which six? Here, o monks, a monk is good at attaining concentration, is good at sustaining concentration, is good at augmenting concentration. Also, he is someone who acts carefully, who acts with persistence, and who acts suitably.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, chahi dhammehi samannaagato bhikkhu bhabbo samaadhismi'm balata'm paapu.nitun"ti.

/with these /indeed /o monks /six /dhammas /endowed /a monk /is able /in concentration / fortitude /to attain /

Indeed, with these, o monks, six dhammas endowed, a monk is able to attain fortitude in regards to concentration.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]