From: dhammanando_bhikkhu
Message: 5053
Date: 2004-07-06
--- In, "dukkhe" <dukkhe@...> wrote:
Hello Dukkhe,
Are you still with us? Sorry to be so long in getting
back to your questions. To continue...
> 2) Parse and explain grammatically 5 of the following words:
> i. sihacammam
Cha.t.thii-tappurisa-samaasa (genitive dependent determinative compound)
siihassa (m. gen. sg) + camma.m (n. nom. sg)
of a lion / skin
= siihacamma.m (n. nom. sg)
= skin of a lion, lionskin
> ii. yadaniccam
ya.m (n. rel. pr.) + anicca.m (n. adj)
[that] which / impermanent
Euphonic substitution of 'd' for niggahiita:
yadanicca.m = "[that] which is impermanent..."
> iii. evamavuso
eva.m (indecl) + aavuso (indecl)
thus / friend
Euphonic change of niggahiita to 'm':
evamaavuso = "Yes, friend,"
> iv. vandeham
vande (1st pers. ind. pres.* of vandati) + aha.m (pr. 1st pers. nom. sg)
salute / I
Loss of initial 'a' in aha.m by saralopa (vowel elision):
vandeha.m = "I salute"
* conjugational ending -e is actually middle voice present
(attanopada), but here (as is usually the case in Pali) it
fuctions as a deponent verb (i.e. a verb with a passive or
middle voice form but active meaning).
> v. dasasilam
Samaahaara-digu-samaasa (numerical compound with collective members)
dasa + siilaani (n. nom. pl)
ten / precepts
Make into a digu-samaasa by changing its form to a neuter singular noun:
dasasiila.m = ten precepts.
> vi. jitindriyo
Tatiyaa-bahubbiihi-samaasa (relative compound governed by instrumental case)
jitaani (pp. nom. pl) + indriyaani (n. nom. pl) + yena (m. instr.)
mastered / faculties / [he] by whom
= jitindriyo (m. nom. sg)
= [He] by whom the faculties have been mastered
= Master of the faculties
> vii. devamanussaa
Asamaahaara-dvanda-samaasa (copulative compound with discrete members)
devaa ca manussaa ca
gods (m. nom. pl) / and / humans (m. nom. pl) / and
= devamanussaa
"gods and men"
Best wishes,