>How does Margaret Cone actually use the abbreviations?
>The numbers following DN, for example, refer to a sutta number,
>whereas the numbers following D refer to a volume and page number in
>the PTS Pali edition.
>For example, Mahasatipatthana Sutta would be DN 22 but D ii 289.

I like that distinction. I just checked and she gives volume, page
and line numbers, but she's not referring to a sutta as a whole like
in the above example. The references are to quotations. Alternatively
she gives verse number for some works consisting of a long series of
numbered verses, and uses a few other systems for works with a
special structure (such as root number for references to the

>Also, I think that Margaret Cone's new dictionary is being prepared
>on behalf of the PTS, no?

Yes, it's a replacement for the PED.

