> I have it, but don't use it. What might be useful is a utility that
> converted the files to Unicode.

Dear Bhante Pesala,

Greetings venerable sir :) I just want to let you and others know that Mr. Snow's utility DOES convert the files to Unicode. I
just downloaded the file cscdconv3.zip and successfully converted the files to UTF-8 Unicode.

Best wishes,

Yuttadhammo (Phra Noah)

Chom Tong Insight Meditation Center
Wat Phradhatu Sri Chom Tong Voravihara
T. Ban Luang, A. Chom Tong
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50160
Website: - www.sirimangalo.org
Tel: (66 - int'l.) (0 - in Thailand) 53 342 184