--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, nina van gorkom <nilo@...> wrote:
> Venerable Phra Noah, Yong Peng,
> I appreciate your effort to start now with the translations.
> Veda is a difficult word, I looked at PED: it could be enthusiasm.
If it
> would be just feeling, the Pali would be vedanaa.

Dear Nina,

The commentary to the Anguttara says this
"vedabahuloti piitipaamojjabahulo" The CPED of Buddhadatta says
"Veda m. religious feeling; knowledge; the brahmanic canon of
authorised religious teaching." Another word besides "feeling" might
be less ambiguous, but it would probably be less literal and might be
confused with words like piiti, paamojja, sa"mvega, etc. Anyway,
just discussion, I give it up to the group to decide.

About the website, the thought was this: if people email in their
translations, some one person could post them on the web, for people
to access and comment on. Otherwise it might be hard to find the
original translations in a tangle of emails and "greater than" signs.

Best wishes,
